Monday, December 28, 2009

The Best Christmas Ever!

Whew! We made it through Christmas and it was the best Christmas ever according to my kids. Hopefully it will erase last year's Christmas which was the worst Christmas ever. Boy, was it a long day. Jeffrey Michael could not stay asleep. He fell asleep around 10pm but then woke up every 15-20 mins from 11pm to 4 am. We finally resorted to a small shot of Nyquil. Yes, I know. Child Youth Services will be at the door before I finish typing this sentence. But it was necessary for his life. I think I would have taken it if I didn't get at least an hour of sleep. Paige and he woke up at 6 am and really had a blast. My husband went back to sleep after all the presents were opened. I had all the gifts put away and the living room cleaned up by 9 am.

Jeff woke up around 10 or 10:30 am and while he made breakfast I wrapped the few gifts that were left over for cousins. We relaxed for a little bit before heading over to my mother in law's house. Jeffrey Michael was so tired from not sleeping. By 8:30pm he was ready to go home and get in bed. The rest of the weekend was spent relaxing and trying to organize some key spots around the house.

Tonight, Jeff and I are suppose to prime the bedroom walls. The kids are going over their friends house for the night to do their gift exchange. I'd just like to crawl under the covers and sleep. I don't think I've recovered from Christmas eve. New Year's Day I just want to sleep in bed all day. Not sure my family would let that happen.

Have any of you made any New Year's Resolutions? I never do. Though this year I was thinking of trying but I'm not too sure how successful becoming filthy rich and being waited on hand and foot is!!

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