Every day at work I think of a million things that need done at home. I make nice detailed lists of all the chores that I would do if I were at home. Thing is- when I do get home, I rarely do any of them. Maybe there is a fun new magazine to read or an episode of Desperate Housewives that I haven't seen. Sure, I may get a couple things done- usually because it's dire. Like having no clean underwear or clean dishes. But most days the list gets left on the counter until I look at it the next morning and wonder why didn't you just do it. Especially annoying is the fact that when I do get around to accomplishing the chore it takes much less time than I originally thought.
Just yesterday morning, I finally cleared off all the papers and extra junk off the front of the refrigerator. I had been wanting to do this for weeks. Each time I passed by, I would cringe at all the junk that accumulated. I removed all the paraphernalia and left only the three photo frames. Time accomplished- 15 secs. Now, I have to go through all the papers still, but seriously I wasted way more than 15 secs fretting over how cluttered the frig front had become. And if I was really honest, I would estimate about 5
mins to sort through the papers and distribute them to their correct homes. I no longer get irritated when I look at the front of my frig. 15 SECONDS! That's all!!
Why do we do this? Why do we procrastinate about doing things especially when they do not require much of our time to complete? For me it's just plain laziness. Hi my name is Rochelle and I'm lazy.
I haven't really been very diligent with any New Year's Resolutions. Heck I can't even remember if I even made any. This weekend though I am really going to try to make an effort to tackle some other areas of my house that need attention. My office is a wreck, the bathroom closet is a disaster, and my laundry table has become a dumping ground for all kinds of junk.
Just got a call from home, my husband and Paige are not feeling well. Lucky me. I hope that I don't get it. It never fails, when I get inspired to do something Murphy steps in and messes with me!