Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ash Wednesday

Today begins Lenten season and also my committment to improve myself. As promised, I have put together a list of what I need to work on as far as my family, my home and my faith. I also need to add myself to this. In true fashion, I have a list a mile long in each area. I told you I have a problem with wanting everything perfect. I decided to just pick the top 2 in each category to start. They are as follows:

Family- listening more, spending more time with kids

Faith- attending mass more consistently , setting schedule to read Bible or catechism

Home- keep up with mess, work on decoration/improvement

Me- (tough to just list 2!) controlling anger, fighting the urge to procrastinate

So I am going to update my progress each Friday.

Now how do I go about changing?

So as usual, I turned to my internet friends. And you didn't disappoint me! I read a good article from in which she talks about the kaizen approach. Basically, it is about doing small things that eventually lead to the desired change. She uses the example of wanting to wake up earlier in the mornings. Instead of trying to wake up an hour early each day, you break it down to just 1 extra minute each day. After 60 days you've reached your goal. This may be the answer for me.

Today is a half day at work and I hope to get to church and home to clean before everyone gets home from school.

Keep me in your prayers!

1 comment:

Ang said...

Hi Rochelle!

Just wanted to say hello, and thanks for the great advice on moving. Purging was definitely top on my list these last few weeks! Good luck with the contest and thanks for stopping by! :)