Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Last night I was flipping through channels, instead of getting some much needed house work done, and I settled on TLC. It was kate plus eight and then Little People soon after. Between shows the commercials all seemed to focus on baking shows. What's the deal with this station? It seems as though the main shows revolve around three reality topics - large families, little people, and bakeries. Can people be that interested in these topics to sustain ratings? It just seemed strange to me that so much of their programming centers around these areas.

I guess I'm getting bored with tv. Before I had a tv in my room, I rarely watched it. Since spending more time laying in bed with the remote, I realize that there isn't a heck of a lot worth watching. I do love Drop Dead Diva and the Bethanny spin off. But I'm guessing I could watch it on my computer and save so much money by cancelling Comcast. The kids don't watch much in the summer except wrestling but it's on the Internet too. I think a serious talk with Jeffrey about cancelling cable is in order!

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