Monday, June 21, 2010

There's No Disturbance here officer

Last night we had Paige and Jeffrey's friends over to watch the wrestling pay-per-view. We projected it onto the garage door and made some hotdogs. The kids had fun and it was nice keeping them outside. But it was loud. Those girls can scream loud. So loud that one of our neighbors called the police on us. They showed up after most everyone left so it was kind of ironic. My husband was a little mad about it. We've lived here almost 8 years and don't have wild parties every week. I think I know who it was. In fact I saw her at the store yesterday morning. Cranky old woman. Used to be my calculus teacher in high school. Lives behind my house and I think I've blogged about her before but I'm sure I'll never find it in my list.

Last week we had three night games and Thursday was a double header for Paige. I called off Friday and stayed in bed with a head cold/sinus cold. Saturday I tried to get some things done around the house but I still wasn't feeling all that great. Sunday we took Jeff miniature golfing and then out to dinner before our wrestling party. And now it's Monday and my head is still cloudy. I've been taking allergy meds, cold meds, and nothing is helping. I think it's a sinus infection. Yay me!

Time to head back to work. Though not getting much done as I can barely keep my eyes open!

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