No- it's not another child- or animal! It's this monster. The kids received it as the family gift for Christmas last year. Of course with the weather being in the 80's. Wait. Did I just say 80's? Considering a couple months ago we had almost 2 feet of snow in our yard, it's shocking that we've had summer like weather and it's only the 3rd day of April. June rarely sees those type of days in our area!
But the kids badgered my husband into setting it up and I don't like it. My fear is that a wind storm will blow it away and cause expensive damage to some one's property. The netting makes me a little less worried about the kids getting hurt as it's really sturdy. We will inspect it every month to be sure it's still safe and secure. Since this picture was taken, we did move it up closer to our house. It blocked my view to the swing set and I didn't like that. Last night we all piled in for a few minutes to bounce. I think my husband likes it a lot as he was bouncing for a long while. Even our cat Chester was having fun playing underneath it!
Today we have to finish getting things for Easter dinner and Paige's Easter basket. I hope everyone has a great Easter. And remember this quote I heard from a little boy in Target yesterday- " Easter is awesome. The bunny comes and celebrates Jesus dying for our sins." He's got it- hope everyone else does too!
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